Meet the UKPSA team sponsored by Beechwood Sport. The United Kingdom Practical Shooting Association represents Britain in IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation) events. The squad members are experienced in multiple disciplines of shooting, from shotguns to mini rifles and the Olympics to Rifle World Championships.

    UKPSA squad members are known for being the best in the sport of competitive shooting and Beechwood are proud to support their efforts with the best shooting equipment and accessories available today, including; gun scopes, gun cleaning kits and much more. See our full range of sport shooting products here.


    James works with the UKPSA helping to promote the sport in the UK and globally. He shoots a range of disciplines from shotgun and rifle to mini rifle, and in various global competitions including IPSC, Rifle World Shoot 2019 Sweden and Shotgun World Shoot 2018.

    UKPSA shooting squad member James nixon

    “The advantage from the combination of FFP and high quality glass was great, as was the high magnification for zeroing and the longer shots.. Overall this really is the competitive edge if the rest of my kit was this quality, I would have been far happier with the results”

    UKPSA shooting squad member James nixon


    Ben competes in a number of disciplines, including UKPSA and NRA Open Shotgun (Champion), IPSC Shotgun (Grand Master grade), UKPSA Mini Rifle (Grand Master grade), IPSC World Rifle (highest GB rank), and 3 Gun, IPSC and NRA practical matches.

    Ben is on the GB Team for most of these (IPSC Rifle World Shoot II in Sweden, IPSC Shotgun World Shoot II in France, NRA UK Shotgun League Open Division, and UKPSA Shotgun Championship Open Division.

    UKPSA shooting squad member Ben Ducker

    Of Trijicon Scopes, Ben said, “Just using a Trijicon Scope going into the championships gave the team a great advantage”

    UKPSA shooting squad member Ben Ducker


    National Squad Director, Rifles. Competes in UKPSA World Rifle Shooting Championships and Open Manual competitions, amongst others. A member of Leicester Shooting Club.

    UKPSA shooting squad member David Joy

    “The optics were a great set of kit, which allowed all of us to shoot to the maximum of our ability, it was great to arrive at a world shoot, competing against the best in the world, knowing that the optics aren’t going to let you down. They are robust enough to get thrown around in a course of fire and know you are still going to have a zero”

    UKPSA shooting squad member David Joy


    Rob is a member of St Albans Shooting Club. He competes regularly in UKPSA and NRA mini rifle championships, representing GB at UKPSA Rifle Worldshoot and other competitions.

    UKPSA shooting squad member Rob Capolongo

    “The body was very well crafted and had reassuring quality. The tube was large and the mounts are very good.”

    UKPSA shooting squad member Rob Capolongo


    Mike competes in NRA CSR, UKPSA World Rifle, IPSC mini rifle, IPSC Poland Rifle Championships and Practical Rifle at Police Sport UK Open Championships.

    UKPSA squad member Mike Sheiw

    “A pleasure to use once I got used to the weight and reticle. Definitely feels robust enough for competition use.”

    UKPSA squad member Mike Sheiw


    Adam competes in Welsh Mini rifle (IPSC), IPSC Shotgun World Shoot and UKPSA rifle World Championships. He is a member of Harlow Town Pistol Club.

    UKPSA shooting squad member Adam Rowsell

    “The machining quality of the clams were very good. The Trijicon brand and emblem is also very well received (Very cool!)”

    UKPSA shooting squad member Adam Rowsell


    David belongs to Pheonix Practical Shooting Club. He competes in UKPSA Rifle World Championships, Precision Rifle Series, Smallbore Rifle Shooting Dewar Trials and NSRA Individual British Short Range Championship.

    UKPSA squad member David White

    “Exceptional clarity and brightness, making it easier to identify distant targets. Useful zoom range and true 1x finish. Turrets had positive clicks and were nice to use. FFP was nice to have, keeping the BDC constant throughout the zoom range.”

    UKPSA squad member David White


    Mike is at Worcester North Shooting Club. He competes UKPSA French National Rifle competition and World Rifle Championships Sweden, amongst others.

    UKPSA shooting squad member Michael Brooks

    “It was a pleasure to use the Trijicon kit and gave added confidence to the team

    UKPSA shooting squad member Michael Brooks